6x9 oil on canvas
A lot has happened since I last posted a painting on my blog. My father has been in the hospital for almost 7 weeks now, recovering from 3 open heart surgeries. After visiting him for a week, I returned home to learn my husband was critically ill; he spent a week in the hospital and is now home recovering, but will be facing a 2nd surgery in several weeks. I completely missed the last 2 weeks of school, but summer is now here and as I take care of my husband, it is my time to paint!
Facebook has allowed me to connect with distant relatives, a few I knew from my childhood, but most I do not know. We have been sharing old family photos and I have enjoyed learning about these long ago family members. This is Pop John, my grandfather's brother. My mother fondly remembers him as the uncle who always had a pipe in his mouth, and always sat backwards in a straight back chair. As I explore painting from old black and white photos, I hope to share more paintings and stories from long ago.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Daily Paintworks assignment this week is to paint a figure "lying down". It was fun painting the light and rumpled bedding, but I am looking forward to trying this one again with a more relaxed hand.
Angela Elledge,
Daily Paintworks,
Pet Portrait
Friday, April 6, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012

Week before last was Spring Break, it was a most enjoyable week of painting. The folks over at Some Texas Artists Like to Paint chose "paint with your other hand" for this month's challenge. I'm right handed so I painted this little portrait study of my parent's dog, Belle with my left hand. Because it was such a difficult exercise, I had to sit on my right hand the entire time I painted. So much fun, I would encourage all of you to try it. I began with a blank canvas, quickly estimated a few reference points with my left hand, then just went for it. Mom, I promise, one of these days you will get a real portrait of Belle.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kitty Cat lives on the family ranch in Corsicana and is the final commission I completed for the family of Aneta and Mambo. Like Mambo, Kitty Cat wandered up to the ranch one day and soon became family. When her family is at the ranch, which is every week, Kitty Cat roams freely wherever she would like. When her family is at home in Dallas, Kitty Cat lives outside on the ranch, amongst cattle, donkeys, and critters of all sort. And when Mambo and Aneta visit the ranch, Kitty Cat holds court in the bedroom.
Friday, February 3, 2012

Aneta is the companion commission for Mambo's painting, posted right below. Aneta (pronounced On-Cha) has a very interesting story. If you recall Mambo wandered up one day and adopted this young family, but Aneta was researched extensively and found to be the perfect dog...perfect Service Dog for this young family!
Aneta was born, raised, and trained for two years in the Czech Republic, then had an additional 6 months of training in Kansas. Because Aneta was trained in the Czech Republic, she responds to Czech only, which means her parents had to learn Czech commands, as well. Aneta is with her owner everyday and has a most important job of alerting him if his blood sugar becomes dangerously low. In addition to her important job, she's also Mambo's best friend. And because of Aneta, Mambo is able to respond to Aneta's Czech commands, but knows the commands are only for him, if his name is spoken before the command is given and likewise for Aneta. I guess that makes both dogs bilingual!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Now that Christmas is past, I can share what I was busy with before the end of the year. Mambo's painting was one of two paintings commissioned by a friend's husband. I love how husbands call me a couple of weeks prior to their special events...actually, I love how husbands think of paintings for special events! :)
On the day after Christmas in 2006, celebrating the holidays in Corsicana, Tx at the family's ranch, Mambo wandered up with a stick in his mouth. The young couple did the obvious; they threw the stick. He was elated. That first game of fetch lasted over an hour, and by the end Mambo had taken his hold on their hearts. After an exhaustive search for the prior owners, Mambo was adopted. Fetch remains his all time favorite activity!
I can attest to Mambo's love of fetch; Cowgirl and Mambo have had a couple of play dates, as long as there is nothing to fetch, Mambo will happily play with Cowgirl. I'll post the companion to this painting in my next posting.
Angela Elledge,
Corsicana Tx,
Pet Portrait
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thank you so very much for following my blog, despite my absent postings, your e-mails, comments, and encouragement mean a lot to me. Here's to painting and posting more in the upcoming year; Happy New Year!
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Since I'm playing catch up here, I'm sharing Home Grown with 2 other blogs. For our Texas Moleskin Round-Up group, this is for Carol Morgan's book with her theme of Sides...work with me here please, this woman is gardening outside And for the Some Texas Artists group, November's theme is What's for Dinner?
Take care all, I do hope to be visiting you real soon!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
ROXI #18/50

Seriously, I blinked and Roxi painted herself; she was a joy to watch appear on canvas. Roxi has the distinction of being the very first painting I painted when I moved into the new studio. I will share studio photos one day; with the 100+ temps, I don't have the desire to finish the exterior painting, easel painting is more my taste and appeals to my comfort level.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I have many more paintings to post in this series, but I'm afraid school has already consumed all of my "computer playtime". Please take a look at Claire Beadon Carnell's beautiful blog; she was kind enough to send me my very first sheep to try and paint. Thanks, Claire, this was fun!
Angela Elledge,
Claire Beadon Carnell,
Pet Portrait
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
FIONA #16/50

Fiona was rescued by a wonderful group called Take Me Home Pet Rescue located in North Texas. I hope she finds a family to love her forever...floppy ear and all.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
IZZE #15/50

Izze just happens to belong to my next door neighbors, not only is she the most delightful pup, so are her mom & dad; we seriously have the best neighbors ever!
When I began this little portrait, I knew I wanted to keep the background monochromatic with Izze's coloring; I think the end result emphasized her smiling eyes.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
FRANKIE #14/50

At four months of age, she found herself abandoned at a dry cleaners. A young man went to the dry cleaners, saw her, went home...and as we all know, could not get her out of his mind or perhaps his heart. The Veterinarian explained her age, her mixed breed status...Australian Shepherd plus Something Else...there were no explanations for her missing tail, her eyes were crystal blue, her heart was strong, but the young man already knew that because already their hearts were one, and one more thing...she was deaf. More than likely, she had been thrown away because of her deafness, but the young man did not care, he brought her HOME and loved her. Frankie was brought home to live with Lucy, you can see Lucy here. Frankie and the young man had to learn how to communicate, and Lucy had to learn how to accept Frankie's natural instinct to herd. All was learned and they lived happily ever after until a few weeks ago...for some reason, Frankie only lived to be four years old. She is buried amongst her favorite day lilies... the same day lilies she like to trample to make a soft bed. Rest in peace, Frankie, you were the best dog ever.
Angela Elledge,
Australian Shepherd,
Pet Portraits
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
SAM #12/50

This is Sam who belongs to the incredibly talented, Dana Cooper. I love Sam's intense gaze and his ready stance to jump off the ottoman and bark at the cat across the street/fetch his ball/attack his squeaky rat...oh wait a minute, I got carried away and was thinking of my little Cowgirl pup. I'm certain Dana's Sam is well-behaved with impeccable manners, unlike Cowgirl.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
KYA #11/50

Kya, a long hair calico, lived to be 18 years old and she adored her owner, Ethan. One of Kya's favorite activities was seeing the world from Ethan's vantage point...that is on his shoulders and even the occasional piggyback ride around the house...but only on Kya's terms...kind of how she lived her whole life.
Angela Elledge,
Oil Painting,
Pet Portrait Commission
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
MISSY #10/50

oil on moleskine journal nfs
Missy for Ann Rogers and our Texas Moleskin Round-Up. Missy was a much loved family pet, so loved that to this day, her framed photo sits on Ann's bedside table along with her children's photos. Painting loved family pets that have passed is always rewarding, usually the photo references I have to work from can be a little problematic. I must thank Ann for the old and fuzzy snapshot, anything for a sweet friend. :-)
Monday, July 25, 2011

8x8 oil on canvas panel
Although I have not been posting, I have been painting...many more of these to come...The studio is almost finished and I've learned a lot of information I'll probably never need to know again. We've had triple digit temperatures for 24+ days now, so some minor details will have to wait for cooler weather, but move in for me might just happen later this week! I'm also posting this little painting on Some Texas Artists Like to Paint for July's theme: Upside Down.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
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