This is Kate, the first grandbaby of one of my very dear Louisiana friends, Tina. When Kate was born 2 years ago, I wanted a very special baby gift and when I saw these pink leather, silver tipped cowboy boots, I knew this was the perfect "welcome to the world" baby gift. Never mind the pink boots would not fit her until she was about 4 years old, a girl can dream and wait for the perfect day and the perfect outfit. Several months ago Tina sent me photos of Kate posing in her favorite pink tutu pajamas (yes, those are p.j.'s minus the pajama bottoms) and the pink cowboy boots! Kate is absolutely beautiful and not only does she know how to put an outfit together, she's a natural in front of the camera, lucky for me (and Tina) I have more photos and hopefully more paintings.
I sketched this little painting out a few months ago, but did not get around to painting it until Dec. 23, thankfully it came together very quickly as it was a Christmas present for my sweet friend. Merry Christmas, Tina.
A fabulous gift and an even more fabulous painting, Angela. You so have a gift for doing people/portraits. I just know Tina will cherish this one for always. A perfect way to capture a beautiful moment in time.
Perfection....I love the image of this little girl...you did a wonderful job in capturing the essence of "little girlness"...
Angela this is precious. You work is amazing!
Great job Angela. You nailed Kate's wonderful style and facial expression just perfectly. Lucky friend!
Sooo cute! What a fab gift. Love the pj's with the boots--that's a hoot. She is precious.
What a very sweet painting, Angela.
Thanks for stopping by, Angela - I am now a follower of you! What a precious painting! And what a sensible idea to send those swanky boots - for when she was older. Too cute!
Lovely girl and you did a great job)
Angela, tooooo precious for words!
This is so very sweet Angela, a real treasure!
Oh my goodness! This is just too cute for words!!
You have got a great model here:) very sweet portrait of a sweet girl.
I am Tina, Angela's Louisiana Best Girlfriend......It all started about 36 years ago....Angela and I have been through all the major things together,even though we are geographically far apart. Everyone should be so blessed to have a true friend like Angela. I feel as though we wouldn't even need to speak English anymore, just one look and we know exactly what is going on...although,during the holidays, at our annual 5hour lunch, many words were exchanged! Angela is an amazing artist,not just for what she can "make" a paintbrush or piece of chalk do, but, for what leaps from her heart onto that fresh canvas or paper. My beautiful Baby Kate in her pink boots and tutu overwhelmed me. I grew up in Houston and left there in the 4th grade when my Dad was transferred. I grew up as a little girl in the late 50's/early 60's wearing my red cowgirl skirt and vest with my red & white cowgirl boots and red hat with my 6shooters ready to make the world right again!!! So when my Baby Kate was born and I received the pink cowboy boots, my mind immediately went back to my childhood and walking across fields of glorious bluebonnets and indian paintbrush and picking blackberries. Angela captured more than just Kate in that painting, she captured my childhood along with it. As a side, my daughter, Lacie and her husband, James were just as moved as me when they saw the painting and my Kate, squeeling in her usual way said "MiMi, it's Kate, and pointed back at herself!" I don't know if all grandchildren are this captivating, but Baby Kate is truly my heart. Angela, the words Thank You fall so short of my true feelings. You gave me something more precious than words, you gave me your time, you gave me your gift and you gave me yourself. Love you, Tina
What a great idea for a baby gift! The painting is as charming as it could be. Excellent job!
I looked around your blog and love your work!
This is Lacie, daughter of Louisiana friend Tina, and mom of Kate.
Angela, I just wanted to stop by and say how much I love the beautiful portrait you painted. This was such a wonderful gift for my mom. The painting really captures Kate. Those pink boots were my favorite baby gift I received when Kate was born. I was so excited to see the little pink boots and impatiently waited until she could wear them. I didn't know how perfectly they would "fit" Kate until she was old enough to ask to wear the boots with every outfit she owns...including her pajamas. She really loves them and I really love the beautiful portrait! Thank you so much!
A sweet success of a painting, Angela! No wonder Tina is thrilled!
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