Sunday, February 27, 2011


11x14 oil on canvas

This month our theme for Some Texas Artists Like to Paint is flowers. Oh, dear it is official, I am not a flower painter. I attempted a few this week, all wipe outs and one so bad, I just threw it in the trash. As I wailed and threw fits, my sweet husband very confidently suggested, "just paint like Nancy Medina". As you know it doesn't quite work like that, but I do like that a few posts down on our little blog she refers to a glass of wine, now that I can do.

Ann Rogers encouraged me to post this painting for the flower theme. She and I went out last spring together and painted one day in the Turtle Creek area of Dallas. Each Spring the azaleas put on a show and just scream paint me, so we did!


Linda Popple said...

Beautiful, Angela!! Obviously, you ARE a flower painter! These azaleas are really nice and a reminder of spring! :-)

Autumn Leaves said...

Well, this is sure beautiful, Angela! And put on a show indeed; how lush and stunning these are. Sometimes I rather like painting flowers. They are quite forgiving of my mistakes, I find. Each one is different, just like people!

Mitzi Easley said...

Perfectly done Angela - you nailed the colors in those azaleas to perfection and your scene brings back childhood memories of picnics in that very spot. Or maybe one just around the bend. Good job!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I love it....quit being so hard on yourself...I know...easier said than done...
...a little Monet maybe?

Lorraine Shirkus said...

Lovely use of color! The violets in the tree trunks are so appropriate next to the blazing azaleas . . . love how all the colors work together.