Monday, July 25, 2011


8x8 oil on canvas panel

Although I have not been posting, I have been painting...many more of these to come...The studio is almost finished and I've learned a lot of information I'll probably never need to know again. We've had triple digit temperatures for 24+ days now, so some minor details will have to wait for cooler weather, but move in for me might just happen later this week! I'm also posting this little painting on Some Texas Artists Like to Paint for July's theme: Upside Down.


Douglas Clark said...

I love the animal paintings, you captured the character and personality so well.

martinealison said...

Oh la la!! Celui-là m'a l'air bien heureux!...
Bravo pour l'incomparable saisie! j'ai envie de caresser la toile...
Gros bisous.

Autumn Leaves said...

Oh to be so comfortable! Gorgeous kitty, Angela! Can't wait to see photos of your studio! (You will share, won't you?)